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My Services

Behavior Consulting

Initial Consultation $60

Includes 60-90 minute evaluation of your homes kitty friendliness, discussion of any and all issues and concerns, and a thorough explanation of a customized plan which will also be emailed to you after the appointment

Follow Up Consultation $45

Includes 30-60 minute reevaluation of your home, discussion of progress and concerns and a new plan if necessary, which will be emailed to you following the appointment.


Follow Up Appointments should be scheduled approximately 3 weeks following the Initial Consultation and repeated every 3 weeks until the issues are resolved. 


Prior to booking the initial consultation, I strongly recommend a trip to the vet to rule out any underlying medical condition as well as ensuring your cat is up to date on their vaccines and spaying or neutering your cat if they aren't done already. 


Before the appointment, a video or photograph compilation of the issues need to be sent to me.

Contact Me

Basic Clicker Training

Basic Clicker Training Session $45

30 Minute session including Introduction to clicker training and starting 2-3 basic cues from the following: Sit

Lay Down



Emergency Recall

Grooming Acclimation (brushing and nail trimming)

Carrier Acclimation

The number of cues introduced will be a direct result of your cats’ interest and attention span.

Advanced Clicker Training

Must have a minimum of 2 Basic Clicker Training Sessions FIRST


Advanced Clicker Training Session $45

30 Minute session including 1-2 cues from the following

Harness/leash training

Going Outside on leash

High Five



*Entering Carrier on Cue

As with the Basic training, the training will depend on the individual cat.

*Must have already been acclimated to the carrier

Easy Vets

Easy Vets Sessions $40

45 Minute Sessions that include basic restraint and handling similar to veterinary clinics as well as mock procedures of ear exams, taking temperatures, vaccines and introduction to the Sit cue, Carrier Acclimation and Car Rides

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